Welcome to Autumn

I hope you are all doing well, that you have enjoyed your summer, that you and your family are healthy, and that your sewing machines are keeping you inspired.

Presentations have continued in August and September. At one presentation, I met Alex Polowin. He was a Leading Seaman during World War 2 and he was on the ships that patrolled the North Sea. He shared so many stories about chasing the German battle cruiser Scharnhorst, patrolling the Channel and the coast of Norway while watching for submarines or enemy aircraft. He was 17 years old when he joined the Canadian Navy, the only Jewish person on board his ship, and it is easy to imagine long days of terror that he experienced. As he sat in my backyard, he even entertained us with his harmonica and his beautiful singing voice. It was an honour to present him with his Quilt of Valour.

The quilts that you have stitched have brought so much comfort! I am humbled by each presentation that I do. Hearing the stories, or catching a glimpse of the demons that haunt some of our military, I am aware that many of them have made heavy sacrifices so that we can live in our relative ease and comfort. The recent withdrawal from Afghanistan rests heavily on many of them. Words cannot express the difference they made in the lives of the people in that distant country; 20 years of hope for the future. With almost every presentation, I hear the recipients’ gratitude that theirsacrifice has been recognized and appreciated.

We are happy to announce that we are going to host a Drop, Swap (and Sew) at the Orleans United Church (1111 Orleans Blvd) on Saturday November 6. This will be your opportunity to drop off your completed blocks, tops and quilts and to pick up new kits to keep you busy in the coming months. We will be able to have a few tables for those of you who would like to stay and sew with us. If you are planning to sew, registration will be essential. Please note that the kitchen is closed, so we won’t have access to tea/coffee-making or even the refrigerators. Masks will be required while moving around the space, tables will be limited and double-vaccination is required. (Registration information to follow.)

Two of our quilters, Kim Mullen of EyeCandy Quilts and Robbie Chapman, have taken up the 11 by 11 Challenge: In the first 11 days of November, they will quilt 11 tops into finished quilts. Does anyone else want to take on the challenge? They do need some tops to work on, so if you have some tops just about ready, please get them to us so that we can keep those quilt machines busy!

As of this date, QOVC has presented 17,582 quilts! Ottawa has presented 135 quilts so far this year and sent 45 to Transition Centres. With 20 quilts presented in August, 10 presented in September and a further 20 sent to the Transition Units who present them to service personnel who are too injured to continue their military careers, we are finding ourselves with very few quilts left to present. If you are new to quilting and would like a hand to get started, please just drop me a line. I am happy to facilitate your new hobby. If you can help us with a quilt block, top, or completed quilt, we are very grateful. There is a growing waitlist across the country.

Remember that there is a contest ongoing for completed quilts and hug blocks. On December 31, two people will each be winning a brand new Janome sewing machine. Will it be you?

Quilts of Valour – Canada Society (QOVC) is always on the lookout for volunteers that can assist with the many tasks that keep us growing our numbers. Right now, we are looking for a Fundraising Coordinator, a Public Relations Coordinator, and a Special Projects Coordinator. If you know of someone who is ready to volunteer some of their time, please have them complete the application form on the website, or have them contact me for more information.

Happy Stitching

Longarmers for hire:


Heather:  heather.ann.derksen@gmail.com/www.redwillowquilts.ca