Quilts of Valour Presentations Begin

With the provinces lifting the restrictions, Quilts of Valour Canada has given us the clearance to start doing presentations once more.  Presentations are a little different under the new safety protocols.  The presenters and recipients wear masks, presentations are held outside, and physical distancing must be maintained.

Here in Ottawa, we jumped in with enthusiasm.  Robbie and I invited recipients to my backyard for staggered presentations throughout the afternoon of July 2.  The weather mostly cooperated. It was overcast so the heat was not too oppressive. We had light sprinkles of rain at one point, but scuttling under the patio umbrella kept us dry. It was only the last presentation, when the thunder began to rumble and the raindrops were getting bigger, that we retreated to the front porch.

Not everyone knows about quilts or even understands what they are.  We had one recipient whose Mother is an active quilter and she was worried that his new quilt would outshine the works that she had created!  One veteran really didn’t know what a quilt was or how it was made. Although he was honoured to receive one, he didn’t really understand what he was about to receive.  Once he saw his quilt, he could not stop looking and admiring the details. All the recipients were amazed by the beauty of their quilts and were touched to realize that someone cared enough about them to create these works of art.  When I got to my computer later that evening, I had already received a note from one of the recipients:  “Thank you again. Now every time i feel forgotten or not appreciated for my service and injury (that does happen) i have my quilt to remind me that, some people do care.

We have more presentations scheduled in the next two weeks, and I will send you an update. The quilts that you have been busy making will be finding new homes.  From our recipients, from Robbie and myself, thank you for what you do to deliver quilted hugs to our wounded service men and women.

Longarmers for hire:


Heather:  heather.ann.derksen@gmail.com/www.redwillowquilts.ca