The Biggest Thank You

Hi Quilters,

On Sunday March 24, I attended a town hall meeting for Mefloquine Toxicity Awareness. (Check it out. It is an appalling story that needs more attention.) Anyway, there were 250 or more people in the audience, service men, service women and their families.  At the end of the presentation, I was given the opportunity to talk about Quilts of Valour Canada, our mission and our work, and to present a quilt to John Dowe who served Canada in Somalia and returned home with unspeakable injuries.  We took him completely by surprise! He was completely taken aback by the presentation and was visibly moved. He told me that the quilt was an “instant heirloom”, that it was “more important to him than his medals”.

After the presentation, I had a number of people approach me to talk to me about QOV, people who had already received quilts and wanted to say thank you to all the quilters who pour their hearts into these works of compassion. I had one man approach me because he didn’t have anyone to nominate him and he wanted to know if he could purchase one of our quilts (the answer is “no they are not for purchase, but yes, you are now on my list of recipients awaiting a quilt”.  I was one quilter receiving words of gratitude that were directed to hundreds of quilters, quilters like you who provide a warm hug from a grateful nation.  I want to try to express to you just how important these quilts are.

As Robbie often says, “quilters sit down at their machines with thoughts of peace and warmth and love, and those positive emotions are stitched into our seams.”  Please know that your contributions to Quilts of Valour are deeply appreciated. Each quilt is a hug and a thank you that reminds a wounded veteran that the Canadian people respect the sacrifices that have been made.

Thank you!

Spring “Drop Swap and Sew”

Good-day Quilters

This Spring’s Drop Swap and Sew takes place on Saturday, April 13 at the Orleans United Church (1111 Orleans Blvd) from 9:30 – 3:00.

You can Drop in to return finished quilts or tops and say hello .

You can Swap a finished quilt/top for a new kit .

You can stay for a while and do some sewing .   You can bring your machine and work on the next quilt or you can help us do the handstitching (binding, labels) to complete the returned quilts.

If you are a new quilter, there will be experienced sewists on hand to help you.  If you are an experienced sewist, you can show us something new.

We need to have an idea of how many kits we need to prepare, and how many tables/extension cords we need to set up; so please add a note letting us know if you will join us.

We look forward to seeing you to  , , !

RSVP — Spring Drop Swap and Sew

We are holding our annual spring “drop, swap and sew” on Saturday April 13 from 9:30 – 3:00.

To help us prepare, please comment below to let us know

a. are you coming?

b. will you stay to sew?

c. do you need a kit?

Plus,, we still need some helpers at the Arnprior Quilt Show, especially on Sunday April 28. Can you help us staff the booth?

Ready for a “Cut” Above?

Please join us on Thursday March 28 in the choir room of Orleans United Church (1111 Orleans Blvd) from 9:30 to 3:00.  Bring your rotary cutter and your lunch. We will bring the fabric and the cutting mats.  We need a team of cutters to take this:

and turn it into kits for the Spring “Drop, Swap and Sew”:

so that we can get more of these:

Please RSVP in the comments so we know how many we need to prepare for.


Help Wanted for Arnprior Quilt Show

The Arnprior Quilt Show will be held on April 27 and 28 at the Nick Smith Centre, 77 James St., Arnprior ON. Quilts of Valour will have a booth at the show. Are you available to staff the booth one one or both days, for part of the day or the whole day?

If you can help, please send me an email at, letting me know when you are available. I will put together a schedule and get back to you as soon as I can.

Thank you.

A Successful March Sew Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us today at Orleans United Church. We received one finished Light in the Window quilt, completed one top in the ‘heart layout’, made enough blocks to complete a straight furrows layout, and assembled more strip sets for another Light in the Window layout.

Next month, our sew day will be held on Monday April 8 (9:00 – 3:00) at Confederation Education Centre (room 118) at the corner of Woodroffe and Hunt Club.

April is also our ‘Drop, Swap and Sew” event, Saturday April 13 at Orleans United Church. I will send out more information about this shortly.