Who Do You Know?

Hi Quilters,

When I checked the national quilt count dashboard this morning, it showed that Quilts of Valour has presented 12,948 quilts to wounded and ill military members! That is a lot of quilts!  Ottawa area has presented 88 so far this year, and our list is still growing.  All of this love is dependent on the wonderful stitching that you do, but we also need the help of a few people who are not necessarily stitchers, but who understand our mission.  Who do you know who could help us?

We need someone to distribute the labels.  Label Coordinator is a national position.  This person would order and receive the rolls of labels from Northcott and then distribute small bundles of labels to the representatives as they are needed. Jan Easton has handled this position for a while and would like someone else to take a turn; she can share the shortcuts that she has developed over the years to make the process smoother.  Do you know of someone who could volunteer to help us with this?

QOVC also needs a National Secretary. This is the person who manages the communications at the national level.  Quilting experience is not necessary.  This is the position for someone who can keep us organized and moving together.

We also need a Fundraiser Coordinator and some fundraiser committee members. Quilts of Valour are made with love and donated fabric.  We use financial donations to pay for batting and backings.  We need some new ideas to keep those funds coming in. Who do you know who loves working with numbers, and is good at searching out grants or fundraising ideas?

The next time you are chatting with someone who expresses awe for the fabulous work you do with Quilts of Valour, but thinks they can’t help because they don’t quilt, ask if they would like to help us with our non-quilting needs.  Our goal is 20,000 quilts by the end of 2020 — we need more hands to make that possible.

Thanks for all you do.

Upcoming Dates;

July 8 — Sew Day, Orleans United Church

This is a picture of the Flowers family — three brothers, two of their wives, all military, all meeting the criteria for a Quilt of Valour. Each of the three brothers has served over 30 years and they are still serving! This presentation to place at Quilt Canada.  The audience responded with a standing ovation!

July Sew Day

Are you ready?

Our summer sew day will be held on Monday July 8 at the Orleans United Church (1111 Orleans Blvd) from 9:30 – 330.

You will need to bring your sewing machine, regular tools and lunch. Robbie and I will provide the fabric, (new) pattern, and cutting.

Please RSVP in the comments below, so we know how many places to prepare.


Image result for sewing bees


So, have you been down to the EY Centre yet to visit? We are having such a blast, meeting people and talking about quilts.

Hope to see you there! There is just one more day (last day Saturday June 15)!